Discourse 45: The Sixteenth Chapter Concludes – What is Proper and What is Improper in Our Life - 3. Swami Krishnananda.

1.#OPINION : Monday, June 21 , 2021.7:07. AM. 2423..
Srimad Bhagavad-Gita
Chapter-16.  Daiva-asura-sampad-vibhaga-yogam. 

Slokam : 22.

"Etair vimuktah  kaunteya  tamodvarais tribhir narah,

Eacaratyatmanah  sreyah  tato  yati  param  gatim."  ( BG.16.22): 


Tatvam (Essence ) :

Slokam-22. he man who has escaped these three gates of hell, O Arjuna!, performs acts conducive to self-realization and thus gradually attains the supreme destination. 


Translation :

kaunteya  etaih  tribhih  =  Arjuna  these  three  ( by these three kinds of );

tamah  dvarah  vimuktah  =  being liberated  from  the gates of ignorance  ( by  giving  up   gates  of  hell  i.e, lust, anger, and greed );

narah  =   a person  ( human beings );

atmanah  sreyah  acarati  =  performs  Sadhana-s  for  Self- benediction;

tatah   param   gatim  yati  =  thereafter  through  these  Sadhana-s  attain  supreme  destination  (  jivatma  joins  the  Paramatma ).


Commentary :

One should be very careful of these three enemies to human life: lust, anger, and greed. The more a person is freed from lust, anger and greed, the more his existence becomes pure. Then he can follow the rules and regulations enjoined in the Vedic literature. By following the regulative principles of human life, one gradually raises himself to the platform of spiritual realization. 

In the Vedic literature, the ways of action and reaction are prescribed to enable one to come to the stage of purification. The whole method is based on giving up lust, greed and anger. By cultivating knowledge of this process, one can be elevated to the highest position of self-realization; this self-realization is perfected in devotional service. In that devotional service, the liberation of the conditioned soul is guaranteed. 

Therefore, according to the Vedic system, there are instituted the four orders of life and the four statuses of life, called the caste system and the spiritual order system. There are different rules and regulations for different castes or divisions of society, and if a person is able to follow them, he will be automatically raised to the highest platform of spiritual realization. Then he can have liberation without a doubt.

Lord Krishna praises the avoidance of lust, greed and anger for by doing so the highest good and well being of a human being is assured. Freedom from these voracious evils allows one to engage in spiritual activities beneficial for oneself and all creation by the acquisition of spiritual knowledge concerning devotion to the Supreme Lord along with atma tattva realisation of the soul and moksa or liberation from material existence. This insures one will never have to enter a hellish condition of life and eventually will attain the Supreme Lord.

The special result of renouncing lust, greed and anger is being stated by Lord Krishna in that such a person is able to acquire the mental understanding that develops the consciousness to the point where spiritual pursuits become attractive and desirable such as vegetarianism, the practice of yoga, meditation and engagement in austerities like fasting and celibacy. Thereby one begins the process of purifying oneself enough to gain the association of the Vaisnavas who are Lord Krishna's exclusive devotees and who will guide one to embark upon the path of devotion for their ultimate benefit.

Lust, greed and anger are all situated deep in tama-guna the mode of ignorance and as such causes the demoniac to be deluded by immense illusion regarding the factual reality of the Supreme Lord Krishna. Although difficult to rectify the jiva or embodied being who is able to avert them can escape their control and employ themselves in a manner that is conducive to the development of spiritual consciousness and atma tattva or realisation of the soul. 

Any jiva who achieves actual, factual knowledge of Lord Krishna as the creator of all and His absolute paramount position as the Supreme Lord of all existence will naturally develop reverence for Him. This results in a harmonious spirit attuned with the divine nature, cooperation with His devotees and the utmost respect for all life and creation. 

From this point of consciousness one will attain association with Lord Krishna's devotees and by their mercy proceed to attaining the sublime, ultimate goal under their guidance. That disregard and disrespect for the ordinances and injunctions of the Vedic scriptures is the main reason why a jiva will be forced to go and suffer in hell like situation here in this world.

In this slokam, Shree Krishna gives the result of renouncing lust, anger, and greed. As long as these are present, one is attracted toward preya, or happiness that seems sweet in the present but becomes bitter in the end. But when materialistic yearnings diminish, the intellect, freed from the material mode of passion, is able to perceive the shortsightedness of pursuing the path of preya. Then one gets drawn toward shreya, or happiness that is unpleasant in the present but becomes sweet in the end. And for those attracted to shreya, the path of enlightenment opens up. They begin endeavoring for the eternal welfare of their soul, thereby moving toward the supreme goal.


Conclusion : What is Proper and What is Improper in Our Life - 3 :

The tendency to grab appurtenances from the world as much as possible, and never being satisfied with any kind of possession or any amount of possession, is greed. Anger, of course, is retaliation in respect of any hindrance to the fulfilment of desires. And desire is well known to us. Etat traya? tyajet: Therefore, we must very meticulously avoid these three traits—kama, krodha and lobha—in human nature, because these are the gateways to hell. Dv?ra? n??anam ?tmana?: They destroy the self, as it were, and hurl the individual into subhuman realms.

Freed from these three kinds of traits—kama, krodha and lobha—one works for one’s own welfare with proper understanding of the way of conducting oneself in life for attaining the spiritual goal. One begins to realise and keep in mind what is actually one’s welfare. Most people do not know what is good for them. They have a blindfolded vision of things, a distorted vision of things, which makes them believe in things which are really not enduring, and doubt the existence of things which are really there. But here a person who is free from these qualities of kama, krodha and lobha will be automatically purified in nature, and this purified mind will reflect within itself the aspiration necessary for the attainment of the great goal of life. Tato yati param gatim: Automatically one reaches the Supreme State.

One should not act according to one’s own whim and fancy. We should not do things merely because they occur to us. There are certain norms that have been set forth by ancient Masters, who recorded their experiences and their impressions in texts called Shastras—such as the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Gita, the Smrtis. These Shastras give us a norm of conduct and behaviour prescribed in the light of the ultimate aim of life. Shastras, or scriptures, lay down the necessity to place oneself in a harmonious state of affairs in the context of dharma, artha, kama and moksha.

Very few people have even heard of these names: dharma, artha, kama, moksha. These are the four feet, as it were, of the structure of human life. Ordinarily, from one’s own reasoning, these ideas will not normally arise. The normal way of looking at things, the vision of things based on our independent thinking, is materially construed, sensorially oriented, and desire-filled. Thus, the necessity to consult and work according to the injunctions of the Shastras is considered here as imperative.

To be continued ...



### Role of parents and teachers in a child's life :

1.School, teachers and parents play vital role in holistic and the teacher is the second. Both have an immense contribution and responsibility in shaping child’s personality.

2.Role of parents : Parents are the child’s first role model. Children behave, react and imitate same as their parents. Parents play important role in encouraging and motivating their kids to learn. Good parental support helps child to be positive, healthy and good life long learner. Children acquire skills at the parent and teacher is a real secret of child’s happy learn very early stage of their life if the parents are responsive and development of the child. Parents are the first mentor of the child understanding.

3.Teacher-Parent Relationship :Trust and mutual understanding between. Support and Cooperativeness from parents towards teacher helps a lot to connect, understand and work towards child. Remarkable positive change is seen in a child if the parents and teacher understand and work hand in hand. A good parent teacher relationship leads child to be positive towards attending school.









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