Living with people : - 1.The most difficult thing to do is to live in peace and harmony with people. It is, perhaps, easier to live with birds and animals. Why is living with people a problem? Youth today, is misguided, by external evil forces, such as different wings of dirty political parties and politicians - Congress, communists, all family owned regional parties, foolish media, and other evils, such as Christians and Muslims, fundamentalist / arrogant / separatist - Huriyat of Kashmir + foolish stone pelting youth, /showing dis-respect to the Nation .... .. "READ CAREFULLY, WHAT SWAMI TEJOMAYANANDA SAYS" :

Opinion 08/03/2018 1161 All Members, Respected family members of this great holy Nation. VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY PARENTS : - to direct their children - Follow Sincerely : Living with people :-1. Swami Tejomayananda The most difficult thing to do is to live in peace and harmony with people. It is, perhaps, easier to live with birds and animals. Why is living with people a problem? We know that fire is hot and we accept that fact. If we are burnt by touching fire, we do not blame it. If a whole house is burnt down, we may condemn other factors or blame our negligence, but would accept fire as it is. Its place is undeniable and it is not rejected. Similarly, we accept the coolness of ice, the beauty of flowers, fruits, trees and plants. Again, if we are admiring a beautiful, full moon and someone else comes and starts appreciating it, we don’t say, “Why are you looking at my moon? You have no right to see it!” There is n...