
Showing posts from December 14, 2017


15/12/2017 2. The flowery bow of Cupid-1. 1.1 Lust is powerful. It carries a flowery bow equipped with "five arrows, namely, Mohana, Stambhana, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unmadana, Soshana and Tapana"—fascination, stupefaction, intoxication, emaciation and burning. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  One arrow causes fascination in young men when they see a beautiful form. Another arrests their attention. The third intoxicates them. The fourth arrow causes intense attraction towards the form. The fifth arrow inflames and burns their heart. It pierces their cardiac chambers deeply. No one on this earth, nay, in all the three worlds, has the power to resist the potential influence of these arrows. These arrows pierced even the heart of Lord Siva and many Rishis of yore. These arro...