The Three Principles-1.Introduction. 3{ The majority people of Bharatham live in aimless indiscipline way, leaving few good citizens, all are materialistic ( bhogi-s ), pleasure seekers, narrow minded, Tamasic cum Rajasic, characterless, etc., }

Opinion 12/05/2016. 539. All Members, Respected family members of this great holy Nation. Sub : The Three Principles-1.Introduction. 3 Swami Chinmayananda Ref : { The majority people of Bharatham live in aimless indiscipline way, leaving few good citizens, all are materialistic ( Bhogi-s ), pleasure seekers, narrow minded, Tamasic cum Rajasic, characterless, etc., } Discussion-3. Let us try to understand the scope of these moral and ethical values as explained in Hinduism. The three corner stones upon which the temple of Hinduism has been built are 1. self-control, 2. non-injury and 3. truthfulness. The vast amount of spiritual literature in India is nothing but annotations, amplifications and commentaries upon these three principles. Ancient Indians planned their individual, communal and national life up...