Challenging India’s rape culture :
Opinion 06/08/2016. 643. All Members, Respected family members of this great holy Nation. Sub : Challenging India’s rape culture : Ref : Medaia report - The Hindu - Ruchira Gupta File photo of Ruchira Gupta, president of Apne Aap Women Worldwide and winner of Clinton Global Citizen Award in 2009. Photo:Sushil Kumar Verma Let us talk about Ram Singh, the chief rapist of the Delhi gang-rape victim, who told his rape-colleagues, as they cleaned the bus, “not to worry, nothing will happen.’ Ram Singh and his five fellow rapists were right. After all, the conviction rate for rape cases in India, between 2001 and 2010, is only 26 per cent. And in Delhi, in the same period, only one in four ...