
Showing posts from June 26, 2022

Practice of Brahmacharyam : Section-3 - Swami Sivananda

 ====================================================================== ========================================================================= Monday, June 27, 2022. 6:00 AM. Section-3 : Techniques of Sex Sublimation :  15. To marry or not to marry -6. & 16. THE DANGERS OF PROMISCUOUS : ======================================================================= 6. The Akhanda Brahmachari If you can remain as an Akhanda Brahmachari, an unbroken celibate, for a period of twelve years, you will realize God immediately without any further Sadhana. You will have achieved the goal of life. Mark the word ‘Akhanda’. Seminal energy is a potent Sakti. Semen is Brahman Itself. A Brahmachari who has practiced unbroken celibacy for full twelve years will attain to the Nirvikalpa state the moment he hears the Mahavakya, “Tat Tvam Asi”, because his mind will be extremely pure, strong and one-pointed. An Akhanda Brahmachari, who, for a period of twelve years, has not allowed even a drop of...