09/03/2017. Dedicated to the Youth of the World : 1. To day Children and Youth misguided by Very Bad, Demonic,Characterless, dishonest elements in the Society, which includes 1. Parents, Teachers, Politicians, Cinema, Modern fashions, Non vegetarian food, and so many countless features, surrounding them ... 2. This Subject is entirely for the Children and Youth who becomes the next Generation of the Future of Any Nation of the World. 2. PRAYER FOR PURITY 2.1 O loving Lord of Compassion! Hey Prabhu! The Soul of my soul, the Life of my life, the Mind of my mind, the Ear of my ears, Light of lights, Sun of suns! Give light and purity. Let me get established in physical and mental Brahmacharya. Let me be pure in thoughts, word and deed. Give me strength to control my Indriyas (senses) and observe the Brahmacharya Vrata. Protect me from all sorts of temptations of this world. Let all my Indriyas be ever engaged in Thy sweet service. 2.2 Wipe out the sexual Sams...