Krishna and Radha -2. { The majority people of Bharatham pretend to be a western, by stupid imitation of external outlook and language, throwing their own country Bharatham and her immortal Values and rich Upanishadik culture }

Opinion 24/08/2016. 691. All Members, Respected family members of this great holy Nation. Sub : Krishna and Radha -2. Swami Chinmayananda. Ref : { The majority people of Bharatham pretend to be a western, by stupid imitation of external outlook and language, throwing their own country Bharatham and her immortal Values and rich Upanishadik culture } The incarnation of Krishna represents the descent of the infinite Brahman to the material world. The ever smiling Lotus – eyed Krishna, with a garland of flowers around His neck, is described as being blue in colou...