Vante Matharam-5. { People of Bharatham since Ancient days, consider, regard, feel, believe this Nation as their Holy Mother; Mother Devi. a combination of Saraswathi, Lakshmi, and Parvathi, called as Durga; a just Sanghalpam of all Ancient Bharatham, this still is followed, So for us Bharatham is our Mother; ......


         All Members,
        Respected family members of this great holy Nation.

  Sub : Vante Matharam-5.

 Ref : People of Bharatham since Ancient days, consider, regard, feel, believe this Nation as their Holy Mother; Mother Devi. a combination of Saraswathi, Lakshmi, and Parvathi, called as Durga; a just Sanghalpam of all  Ancient Bharatham, this still is followed, So for us Bharatham is our Mother; ......

 "Matha, Pitha, Guru, Dhaivam. " { "1. Mother, 2. Father, 3. Teacher, 4. God."}  So Mother has the most important place, the first; and PLACE OF GOD IS LAST, this should not be meant disrespect to God, as Lord Krishna says in Gita!


Adoption as "national song" :

Tagore's Jana Gana Mana was chosen as the National Anthem of the 1947 Republic of India.

1*Vande Mataram was forced to be rejected by Muslims on the grounds that Muslims may pray only to Allah.

"These are the two men in and out abusing Bharatham and Sanatana Dharma, living in elite way at the expense of others tolerance -shame for their evil mind of abusing their own Mother land which is equal to their own mother!!"

2*Muslims also felt that its origin was part of Anandamatha, a novel they felt had an anti-Muslim message.

The designation as "national song" predates independence, dating to 1937.
 At this date, the Indian National Congress discussed at length the status of the song.
It was pointed out then that though the first two stanzas began with an unexceptionable evocation of the beauty of the motherland, 3*in later stanzas there are references where the motherland is likened to the Hindu goddess Durga.

4*Therefore, INC decided to adopt only the first two stanzas as the national song.

The controversy becomes more complex in the light of Rabindranath Tagore's rejection of the song as one that would unite all communities in India. In his letter to Subhas Chandra Bose (1937), Tagore wrote : -

1. The core of Vande Mataram is a hymn to goddess Durga: this is so plain that there can be no debate about it.
Of course Bankimchandra does show Durga to be inseparably united with Bengal in the end, but no Mussulman [Muslim] can be expected patriotically to worship the ten-handed deity as "Swadesh" [the nation]. 

2. This year many of the special [Durga] Puja numbers of our magazines have quoted verses from Vande Mataram—proof that the editors take the song to be a hymn to Durga.
The novel Anandamath is a work of literature, and so the song is appropriate in it. But Parliament is a place of union for all religious groups, and there the song cannot be appropriate. 

3. When Bengali Mussulmans show signs of stubborn fanaticism, we regard these as intolerable. When we too copy them and make unreasonable demands, it will be self-defeating.

Thank you for reading
       To be continued  ..

Note : - 1,2,3,4.* Muslims are ignorant about 'that there is no Form and Name for Supreme Truth, the Infinite, Absolute. Hence adamant about the name Allah, shows that they do not know or believe in One and only truth, Oneness  and  One and only Jivatma which is the part of Paramatma, and is all pervading not belongs to only to Muslims, but to all. Durga is Bhartiya Sangalpam of the Absolute in Mothers roll of protecting the sons and daughters  of the world over from Evil. 


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