Discourse 45: The Sixteenth Chapter Concludes – What is Proper and What is Improper in Our Life - 2. Swami Krishnananda.

1.#Opinion : Thursday,June 3, 2021. 7:57.AM. 2404.
Srimad Bhagavad-Gita
Chapter-16.  Daiva-asura-sampad-vibhaga-yogam. 


"Atmasaṁbhavitah stabdha dhanamanamadanvitah

yajante namayajnais te dambhenavidhipurvakam." (16.17)


Translation :

Atma-sambhavitah  =   self-complacent  ( having  the  bhava  of  that  as  superior  );

stabdha  =  impudent  (  not  respecting  others );

dhana-mana-madanvitah  =  deluded  by  vanity  and  haughtiness  due  to  wealth  and  thereafter  wasting  the  wealth  for  their  vanity;

te  dambhena  =  they  out  of  pride;

avidhi-purvakam  =  without  any  regard  for scriptural  injunctions;

nama-yajnah  yajante  =  in  the  name  of  yajnam  they  do  all  sorts  of  meaningless  things.


Tatvam (Essence) of the Slokam:

BG 16.18: "Blinded by egotism, strength, arrogance, desire, and anger, the demonic abuse my presence within their own body and in the bodies of others."


Commentary :

Lord Krishna describes telltale signs and characteristics of the demoniac.

Sambhavitah means conceited, self aggrandizing. The demoniac flatter themselves.

Stabdah means impertinent, pompous. Thinking they are the better than all others.

Dhana-mana-mada-anvizah means inebriated and puffed up by wealth, bloodlines, etc.

Avidhi-purvakam means the demoniac do pseudo rituals condemned by the Vedas.

The pseudo-rituals enacted by the demoniac are nothing more then pretentious exhibitions of ostentatious decadence regardless of the opulence they are always void of devotion to the Supreme Lord and are performed contrary to the injunctions and ordinances of the Vedic scriptures.

As Lord Krishna has explained previously the demoniac also deceptively imitate the righteous by performing ostentatious rituals so as to look pious in the eyes of society. 

The demoniac are never motivated by pure intentions in sattva guna the mode of goodness. 

They are praised only by those of duplicitous mentalities like themselves but they are never acknowledged by devotees of the Supreme Lord no matter how opulent or pompous their sacrifices may be conducted. 

The demoniac are belligerent, haughty, vain, impertinent, pompous and arrogant all due to their possessing great wealth and exercising the power and control that great wealth can manipulate. 

The perverted rituals the demoniac execute are always performed in opposition to all that is righteous totally disregarding the ordinances and injunctions prescribed Vedic procedures and devoid of any recognition to the Supreme Lord. 

The ostentatious rituals that the demoniac orchestrate for public consumption are only pretentious displays of piety and pompous exhibitions to show off how much wealth they can possess.

Lord Krishna reveals that whatever ritualistic ceremonies the demoniac execute is nothing more than a pretentious display of self-conceit. 

They make a big show so the public will think that they are pious. 

Their active engagement looks on the outside as if it is correct but it is never attuned to devotion unto the Supreme Lord neither does it adhere to the ordinances of the Vedic scriptures. 

This is inferred and made clear by the descriptive adjectives such as sambhavitah or conceited and stabdhah or pompous. 

The demoniac possessing arrogance and impertinence due to intoxication of wealth make superficial rituals without faith and void of righteousness only for deceiving the public into regarding them as pious and not due to any spiritual pusuits.


Next : Slokam-18.


Conclusion : What is Proper and What is Improper in Our Life - 2 :


Many a time, evil appears to survive and thrive more gloriously than goodness in this world, but when the mills of God begin to grind powerfully, the evil forces will receive their due—though slowly, but very finely. So the indication as to the consequences that follow from utter egoism and evil-doing is here in these verses.

Such persons who are dangerous to themselves as well as to others, and are injurious in their attitude towards things, go to lower regions. They take birth in inferior species of living entities, which, on the one hand, obliterates the consciousness which human beings are supposed to be endowed with and, on the other hand, they suffer like insects, like reptiles, like animals who have only body consciousness, and there is no consciousness of Self. Subhuman creatures do not have the prerogative of inferring the existence of that which is above humanity, above themselves. 

The animal can think only its own region, its own realm, its own body, its own instincts. It does not have the capacity to infer, to consider the pros and cons and draw conclusions. It is human reason that has the capacity not only to understand what is happening now, but also to draw conclusions by inference from the occurrences and the experiences at present. These prerogatives of humanity will be wiped out due to the preponderance of rajasic and tamasic qualities, which people sometimes adopt due to intense egoism in their nature—behaving arrogantly, tyrannically, selfishly, which will lead them to lower yonis, or species of births. They may even go to hell, which is the lowest of regions.

Asurim yonim apanna (16.20): These unfortunate souls that enter into the wombs of asuras—that is to say, totally undivine characters—may run into cycles of transmigratory life again and again, endlessly, as it were, and may lose hope of redemption for an endless period of time.

As we know very well, the way to hell, the gate to hell, is mentioned here as threefold, as reference to it was made in the Third Chapter. Kama esa krodha esa rajoguṇa samudbhavah, mahasano mahapapma viddhyenam iha vairinam (3.37): If you have any enemy in this world, your enemy is your instinct to like and dislike, passion and anger. 

Trividham narakasyedam dvaram nasanam atmanah (16.21): The self-destructive ways to hell, the gates to hell, are kama, krodha and lobha: greed, insatiable desire, and anger. The one automatically leads to the other. When there is desire, the other two automatically follow.



### Role of parents and teachers in a child's life :

1.School, teachers and parents play vital role in holistic and the teacher is the second. Both have an immense contribution and responsibility in shaping child’s personality.

2.Role of parents : Parents are the child’s first role model. Children behave, react and imitate same as their parents. Parents play important role in encouraging and motivating their kids to learn. Good parental support helps child to be positive, healthy and good life long learner. Children acquire skills at the parent and teacher is a real secret of child’s happy learn very early stage of their life if the parents are responsive and development of the child. Parents are the first mentor of the child understanding.

3.Teacher-Parent Relationship :Trust and mutual understanding between. Support and Cooperativeness from parents towards teacher helps a lot to connect, understand and work towards child. Remarkable positive change is seen in a child if the parents and teacher understand and work hand in hand. A good parent teacher relationship leads child to be positive towards attending school.


To be continued  .......

