
Showing posts from February 15, 2017

5. Youth today, is misdirected, by external evil forces, such as different wings of dirty political parties and politicians - Congress, communists, all family owned regional parties, foolish media, and other evils.. Here Swami Tejomayananda, student of Swami Chinmayananda, says about a Successful Youth ... Listen carefully ...

Opinion 16/02/2017.  994.                 All Members,          Respected family members of this great holy Nation. VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY PARENTS : - to direct their children Sub The Successful Youth : 5.  Swami Tejomayananda Ref : Youth today, is misdirected, by external evil forces, such as different wings of dirty political parties and politicians - Congress, communists, all family owned regional parties, foolish media, and other evils.. 3. Vision of Life -2. Three kinds of Vision : 1. Sattvika – pure vision, ability to see the oneness of all. 2. Rajasika – impure, governed by likes and dislikes. 3. Tamasika – dull and dark, fanatic and angry. There are three kinds of vision of life and they depend upon the condition of our minds. The first type of vision : (sattvika) sees the oneness of al beings, the unity in diversity, which manifests itself in the form of love an...