
Showing posts from November 14, 2017

17. Youth today, is misguided, by external evil forces, such as different wings of dirty political parties and politicians - Congress, communists, all family owned regional parties, foolish media, and other evils, such as Christians and Muslims, fundamentalist / arrogant / separatist - Huriyat of Kashmir + foolish stone pelting youth, /showing dis-respect to the Nation .... .. Here Swami Tejomayananda, student of Swami Chinmayananda, says about a Successful Youth ... Listen carefully ...

Kashmir such a beautiful place destroyed by Political parties like Congress, Communists, all family owned match stick parties, Separatists such as Abdullahs and Muftis with added evil Huriyat-s , Today nobody wants to go there as tourists ....... Opinion 15/11/2017.  1052.                 All Members,          Respected family members of this great holy Nation. VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY PARENTS : - to direct their children Sub The Successful Youth : 17. ------------------------------  Swami Tejomayananda Ref : - Youth today, is misguided, by external evil forces, such as different wings of dirty political parties and politicians - Congress, communists, all family owned regional parties, foolish media, and other evils, such as Christians and Muslims, fundamentalist / arrogant / separatist - Huriyat of Kashmir + foolish stone pelting youth, /showing dis-respect to the Nation .... .. ...