Discourse 45: The Sixteenth Chapter Concludes – What is Proper and What is Improper in Our Life - 1. Swami Krishnananda.



# OPINION : Saturday,  February 20, .2021.  06:05. AM..2324.


Srimad Bhagavad-Gita
Chapter-16. ( Daiva-asura-sampad-vibhaga-yogam ) / ( Daivasurasampadvibhagayogam )



"Anekacittavibhrantah   mohajalasamavrtah,

prasaktah  kamabhogeshu   patanti  narakesucau."


Translation :

aneka  citta  vibhrantah  =  along  with  numerous  perplexed by anxieties;

moha  jala  samavrtah  =  compltely  captured  in  the  net  of  illusions;

kama  bhogeshu   prasaktah  =  fully  immersed / engaged  in  lust  and  sense  gratifications;

asucau  narake  patanti  =  and  later  glides  down  into  dirty  hell.

 patanti—glides down; narake—into hell; aśucau—unclean.


Tatvam (Essence) of the Slokam:

"Thus perplexed by various anxieties and bound by a network of illusions, one becomes too strongly attached to sense enjoyment and falls down into hell."


Commentary :

The demoniac infatuated by illusion and bewildered by ignorance foolishly base all their hopes and dreams upon the material existence which is transitory, temporary and impermanent. 

Consequently they are deluded by their incessant desires, grand ambitions and grandiose schemes of what they shall do, what they shall accomplish, what they shall acquire and what they shall enjoy all propelled by the desire of power and wealth which they think will give them longevity. 

But in reality devoid of the grace of the Supreme Lord Krishna who is the ultimate controller of all; the demoniac no matter how powerful they may be or how much they appear to be controlling are completely enmeshed in the web of illusion like fish trapped in a net which although appearing to be swimming freely are factually caught when the net is tightened. 

The demoniac incorrigibly addicted to lust, greed and insatiable propensities for sense gratification. 

The demoniac possess diabolical dispositions and depraved degraded habits and activities that doom them to descend and suffer proportionately for their sinful activities in one of the 28 hellish planets which are vile and detestable such as Rauvara confirmed in the Bhagavat Purana known as Srimad Bhagavatam: Skandham 5, chapter 26, Slokam 11: 

They are forced in their subtle bodies after death to be tormented and attacked incessantly by rurus which are creatures more cruel and vicious than a snake. Also confirmed in Srimad Bhagavatam: Skandham 5, chapter 26, Slokam 22 is another hellish planet where the demoniac are forced to enter in their subtle body is a hellish world known as Vaitarani that is a river full of mucus, puss, faeces, urine and phlegm surrounding the entire planet and is full of predatory fish of horrible visage who bite and attack ferociously.

The demoniac completely controlled by maya the imperceptible bewilderment of illusion delude themselves by thinking that they are capable of accomplishing anything merely by their own brains and might. 

The demoniac think they are independent and not dependent upon any Supreme Being even if it does at all exist. In this way they are full of anxiety which tempestuously buffets them about by foolish, greedy thoughts such as this is mine, that to will soon be mine, I want this, I want that, this I shall do and that I will also do, etc., etc. 

In this way by their very own minds they are caught in the web of illusion and pursuing their lust for sense gratification they are totally bereft of sound judgement, discrimination and moral conduct. 

Lrd Krishna confirms that beyond material nature, unseen and unperceived, death is waiting very patiently for the allotted time to snatch them away from all they covet and force them to suffer their karma or reactions to their unrighteous sinful actions in the darkest of hells.

In all there are 28 principle categories of hellish planetary systems in which some lanets are more then 800,000 miles in circumference and there are hundreds and thousands of such planets. 

Srimad Bhagavatam: Skandham 5, chapter 26, Slokam 37 confirms: There are hundreds and thousands of hellish planets. 

These hellish planets are all operating continuously without cessation under the administration of Yamaraj the demigod in charge of death in order to chastise and punish the demoniac and impious without compunction in accordance to the precise degree of their sinfulness.

Continuing Lord Krishna explains that perplexed and deluded by the innumerable desires waiting to be fulfilled in their minds which they are determined to realize; the demoniac become ensnared and entangled caught in the net of illusion even as fish are ensnared and caught by a fisherman's net in water. 

Inescapably caught in the net of illusion the demoniac pursue their nefarious activities in the never ending attempt to satisfy their addiction to sense gratification and when their span of life has come to an end they are forced to enter the lowest regions of hell to suffer immeasurably.

Next : Slokam-17.


Conclusion : What is Proper and What is Improper in Our Life - 1 :


In the context of the description of the divine and undivine qualities characterising human beings, a lot has been said by the Lord about these tendencies in people which, on the one hand, enable them to gravitate towards the centre of the universe and, on the other hand, deflect their attention in the direction of the periphery of the universe. The undivine elements are those forces in nature, as well as in individuals, which tend towards externals, and go to the extreme of involvement in space, time and objects. The other category of persons differ entirely from the first mentioned, in the sense that they tend inward into the very centre or the Selfhood of the universe, which is the opposite of the objects which attract demoniacal natures.

While there is joy in entering into one’s own Self in the case of those who are qualified with divine characters, there is sorrow in an inward contemplation in the case of people who wish to run about in an external direction towards more and more contact with sense objects. On account of intense egoism, ahamkaram, balam, darpam, etc.—with egoism, with pride, with vanity, with anger, with insatiable desire for indulgence of senses—they consider themselves as all-in-all in the power that they appear to be wielding, and are despotic in their conduct and cruel in their attitude towards other people. Such ones are endangering not only the lives of other people, but the lives of themselves also.

Those who are trying to harm others are inadvertently trying to harm themselves also—a harm that may come upon them today or tomorrow. This is because as we mete out to others, we will be meted out in the same way. The world is an organic involvement of perfection and a balance of forces, so that any kind of interference of one part with another part, or rather, the interference of one part with the whole to which it belongs, would set up such a reaction that the interference will be paid in its own coin.



### Role of parents and teachers in a child's life :

1.School, teachers and parents play vital role in holistic and the teacher is the second. Both have an immense contribution and responsibility in shaping child’s personality.

2.Role of parents : Parents are the child’s first role model. Children behave, react and imitate same as their parents. Parents play important role in encouraging and motivating their kids to learn. Good parental support helps child to be positive, healthy and good life long learner. Children acquire skills at the parent and teacher is a real secret of child’s happy learn very early stage of their life if the parents are responsive and development of the child. Parents are the first mentor of the child understanding.

3.Teacher-Parent Relationship :Trust and mutual understanding between ing. Support and Cooperativeness from parents towards teacher helps a lot to connect, understand and work towards child. Remarkable positive change is seen in a child if the parents and teacher understand and work hand in hand. A good parent teacher relationship leads child to be positive towards attending school.


To be continued  .......








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