SRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA : The Sixteenth Chapter Begins – Divine and Undivine Qualities - 4. Swami Krishnananda "As Youth today, is misguided, by external evil forces, such as different wings of dirty political parties and politicians - Congress, communists, all family owned regional parties, foolish media, and other evils, such as Christians and Muslims, fundamentalist / arrogant / separatist - Hurriyat of Kashmir + foolish stone pelting youth, /showing dis-respect to the Nation; Secondly. students are attracted by evils in the society, spread by various mafia demons, such as smoking, tobacco, pan masala, alcohol drugs etc; Parents, Teachers have very high responsibility to keep a watch on these diversions "


SRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA : The Sixteenth Chapter Begins – Divine and Undivine Qualities - 4. Swami Krishnananda "As Youth today, is misguided, by external evil forces, such as different wings of dirty political parties and politicians - Congress, communists, all family owned regional parties, foolish media, and other evils, such as Christians and Muslims, fundamentalist / arrogant / separatist - Hurriyat of Kashmir + foolish stone pelting youth, /showing dis-respect to the Nation; Secondly. students are attracted by evils in the society, spread by various mafia demons, such as smoking, tobacco, pan masala, alcohol drugs etc; Parents, Teachers have very high responsibility to keep a watch on these diversions "
"Dedicated to Bhagavan Vyasa and Lord Krishna Avatara of Lord Hari Flute Bearer of Brindavan Joy of Devaki Beloved of  Radha Redeemer of the Fallen Friend of Arjuna ( THE WHOLE MANKIND ) The Lakshya of Devotees"
OPINION : 24/09/2019 : 1909.

*All Members,
         *Respected family members of this great holy Nation.

The question of how to live the values of life is not a new one faced only in modern times. It is as old as our scriptures. This is a weakness that every person faces in his life - the contradiction between his knowledge and his living.

**VERY IMPORTANT FOR THE PRESENT DAY PARENTS : - to direct their children - Follow Sincerely :

Your child is not different from you and you are not different from your child. Therefore, what you are, your child will be. Now you have to decide what you want yourself to be and your child to be, because the choice is yours.

Sub : The Sixteenth Chapter of Srimad Bhagavad Gita begins with  – Divine and Undivine Qualities-4.
Swami Krishnananda

Srimad Bhagavad Gita:
SLOKAS-S 1,2 and 3.






Slokam-2 &3.

"Ahimsa satyam akrodhas tyagam santir apaisunam
daya bhuteshualoluptvam mardavam hrir acapalam" (16.2)

"Tejah kshama dhutih saucam adroho natimanita
bhavanti sampadam daivim abhijatasya bharata (16.3)

Recap :
Hrir is shame in the presence of things which are forbidden. It is an automatic repulsion from actions and even thoughts that are contrary to an elevated form of spiritual life.
Follow on :

Acapalam : ( last word 16.2 ) is steadfastness, freedom from fickleness. Thinking something now, thinking another thing after some time and a third thing tomorrow, and with no concept of the final aim of life, no clarity of perception in regard to what is to be done now and what is the actual program of one’s life, having everything in chaos—that would be chapalata. The absence of it is acapalam—steadfastness and a clear perception of the values of life, right from now till the end of our life.

Tejah : ( first word in 16.3 ) is vigour, energy, strength, and not a drooping spirit. This is the quality of tejas, or energy, vigour, capacity to work. An indefatigable frame of the body and mind will automatically come to us as a consequence of following the other qualities mentioned earlier.

Kshama : ( second word in 16.3 ) is fortitude. We do not try to wreak vengeance on someone who has committed some mistake, and do not go on thinking of one mistake that a person has committed even though that person may have hundreds of good qualities. Generally, the evil that men do lives after them; the good is often buried with their bones. This is not to be our attitude. A hundred sacrifices a person has made, and for twenty years that person has served us, but one day he does something which is very displeasing and we remember only that, and not the twenty years of service. We must have a forgiving attitude, because who has absolutely no fault? “Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us” is a very touching line in the Lord’s Prayer. “Let me forgive everyone in the same way as I would wish to be forgiven for all my trespasses”—because every minute we commit some mistake, and if we are going to be punished for every little mistake, then we cannot exist in this world. In turn, this should be our attitude towards other people. Be kindhearted.

Dhutih : ( third word in 16.3 ) is determination to achieve our goal, and never slacken our effort, and be decided in our mind that, “Perhaps this is the last birth of mine. Why should it not be the last birth, when I have put forth all my energy and I honestly strive for the attainment of God Almighty? I have no defect in my mind. I have no greed. I don’t harm anybody. To my mind, there is nothing wrong. Therefore, God should be kind to me. I shall realise God in this birth.” If this kind of determination is there, something really worthwhile may take place one day, perhaps in this life itself.

Saucam : ( fourth word in 16.3 ) is purity. We know much about it—external purity and internal purity. I need not go on harping on this subject.

Adrohah : ( fifth word in 16.3 ) is never committing blunders in respect of ourselves or of others. This blundering and floundering habit is due to the preponderance of rajoguna, which keeps us restless always and never allows us to concentrate on anything. If we touch something, it falls down; if we take a cup of tea, it spills on our clothes; when we speak, we fumble; when we utter a sentence, there is no verb. These are distractions which cause a habit of blundering—adrohah.

Natimanita : ( sixth word in 16.3 ) is never expecting too much regard and respect from people. Do not say, “Oh! He came, but he didn’t greet me.” It is said that Rama respected other people first; and if other people did not speak, he would speak first. He would not have the attitude: “Why should I speak first? Let the other person speak first.” Rama would speak first. Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj was like that. If a person did not touch his feet, he would touch that man’s feet. People would be horrified. “Maharaj! You are touching the feet of that person?”.  He would speak first. “How are you? Acche hain maharaj? Theek hai?” Even if that person did not speak a word, he would immediately start a conversation: “How are you?” That man would be very highly pleased, and start speaking to him. So do not ask for respect. Give respect to others. We are fit to take the name of God only if we give respect to everybody and do not expect any respect for our own self.

“These are the great qualities, O Arjuna, that may be called divine, gracious, noble, superb.”

To be continued ....


Role of parents and teachers in a child's life :

1.School, teachers and parents play vital role in holistic development of the child. Parents are the first mentor of the child and the teacher is the second. Both have an immense contribution and responsibility in shaping child’s personality.

2.Role of parents: Parents are the child’s first role model. Children behave, react and imitate same as their parents. Parents play important role in encouraging and motivating their kids to learn. Good parental support helps child to be positive, healthy and good life long learner. Children acquire skills at the very early stage of their life if the parents are responsive and understanding.

3.Teacher-Parent Relationship– Trust and mutual understanding between parent and teacher is a real secret of child’s happy learning. Support and Cooperativeness from parents towards teacher helps a lot to connect, understand and work towards child. Remarkable positive change is seen in a child if the parents and teacher understand and work hand in hand. A good parent teacher relationship leads child to be positive towards attending school.




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