You and Yours (on parenting) :- 1.

The question of how to live the values of life is not a new one faced only in modern times. It is as old as our scriptures. This is a weakness that every person faces in his life - the contradiction between his knowledge and his living.

                All Members,
         Respected family members of this great holy Nation.


Sub : You and Yours (on parenting) :-1.
 Swami Tejomayananda

Ref : Youth today, is misguided, by external evil forces, such as different wings of dirty political parties and politicians - Congress, communists, all family owned regional parties, foolish media, and other evils, such as Christians and Muslims, fundamentalist / arrogant / separatist - Huriyat of Kashmir + foolish stone pelting youth, /showing dis-respect to the Nation .... .. Here Swami Tejomayananda, Sishya of Swami Chinmayananda, says on Parenting... Listen carefully ...

The question of how to live the values of life is not a new one faced only in modern times. It is as old as our scriptures. This is a weakness that every person faces in his life – the contradiction between his knowledge and his living.

We know so many things at even gross levels, e.g., on a cigarette packet it is mentioned that smoking is injurious to health, but a doctor himself goes on smoking while advising others not to do so. We know, but when it comes to living, we do just what we should not. When it comes to higher emotions and ideological values, the case becomes much more difficult. Now the question is, why does it happen this way?

For communication between two persons, the speaker and the listener, to take place, there is a need for active participation on the part of the listener. Just now, we heard a ‘Shanti Path’, a peace invocation: Sahaveeryam Karavaavahai – that means, “May we both put forth efforts together to understand, so that we will enjoy the fruit of knowledge”. Knowledge should not be barren or impotent. Knowledge must actually give us results. Now, having said this much, let us analyse:

To be continued ...

Note :

1. So, one vision is seeing oneness in all differences, the other is seeing only differences, while the third is taking only one part to be the whole and getting exclusively attached to one thing – that’s how people become fanatics. All these wars are fought by fanatic people. People say that religion has created all problems. No, it is fanaticism that has created problems. If I love somebody and am ready to kill another person for that sake, it is exclusive attachment.

2. There is another problem because parents are living double standards in life. They live one kind of life, but they want the child to be different. It does not happen like that. You don’t want to be unhappy and you don’t want your child also to be unhappy and, therefore, it is necessary that we have the right values and also expose the child to those values and that kind of atmosphere.

3. Therefore, You and Yours – in this value clarification, if only the vision is clear, all other things come naturally because they become only an expression of that one vision. So, if the question is, why are we not able to live the values, I have given you the reasons. We have made some kind of analysis. Your child is not different from you and you are not different from your child. Therefore, what you are, your child will be. Now you have to decide what you want yourself to be and your child to be, because the choice is yours.

Thank you for reading
