All Malayalam channels TV serials, have no Substance, just fool the audience :Asianet - serials: 1. Karuthamuthu, 2. Parasparam, 3. Chandana mazha and many more, .......

                                  All Members,

Sub : All Malayalam channels TV serials, have no Substance, just fool the audience :

Ref : Asianet - serials: 1. Karuthamuthu, 2. Parasparam, 3. Chandana mazha and many more, .......

1. Now the serials have no script;

2. Director an idiot, no idea of direction is exposed in each episode, scene by scene;

3. The producer, no clue of production;

4. The program head is headless, and blind, as he is not nonitoring the quality of the program;

5. All serials are similar line, having asuric / demonic women characters, who are the key to drag the episode at snails speed;

 6. All  father and mother roles are fools, no idea of happening in their surroundings;

7.  A story has three parts and fixed few characters, but here no such rule is applied, meaningless subject is dragged with no idea of end;

8. worst among channels is Asianet;

9. Only Doordarsan  somewhat watchable;

10. All sundries : their place is  in the waste basket; Stop this NONSENSE!!!!


1. The respected  Information & Broadcasting ministry should look into it?

My View

1. Do not waste your time in front of idiot box, engage yourself in reading good, writing good, over and above go out door and play any game of your interest.

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